Jitka Ivančíková

Jitka Ivančíková

en - Je výkonná riaditeľka SFPA a predsedníčka Dozornej rady RC SFPA. Je absolventkou Právnickej fakulty Univerzity Karlovej v Prahe (1980), doktorát (JUDr.) obhájila na Právnickej fakulte Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave (1981). V SFPA pôsobí od roku 2005 a vo funkcii výkonnej riaditeľky od decembra 2007. Venuje sa finančnému riadeniu činností SFPA a RC SFPA, organizačnému a administratívnemu zabezpečeniu projektov.


Central European Energy Conference (CEEC) 2021
Central European Energy Conference (CEEC) 2021

The aim of the 15th CEEC conference is to discuss the upcoming changes in energy sector. The consequences of Covid-19 pandemic created an opportunity to speed up necessary changes of energy sector. The conference will discuss the opportunities brought by the Recovery Facility in V4 countries and will pay special attention to emissions reduction in cities, new developments in energy storage, rail sector, and decarbonisation in industry.

Towards a Citizens’ Union (2CU)
Towards a Citizens’ Union (2CU)

Building on the notion of increasing social, economic and political interdependence across borders, the first volume asks whether and, if so, how a sense of solidarity and European identity can be rescued from the bottom up by politically empowering citizens to ‘take back control’ of their EU.

Safe and Inclusive Border betwen Slovakia and Ukraine (SIBSU)
Safe and Inclusive Border betwen Slovakia and Ukraine (SIBSU)

Sharing just 97 km of border, the two countries are good neighbors and trustful friends. To continue good relations between Slovakia and Ukraine, the contact points for mutual learning and cooperation is needed.


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