The project named EU Support for Local Media Outlets in Moldova focuses on promoting a more conducive environment for local media in order to strengthen their capacity, independence, sustainability, and professionalism, as well as their ability to produce quality, evidence-based, balanced, and reliable journalistic content.
The project is funded by the European Union and executed by a group of implementing partners led by the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation.
Within tis project, SFPA implemented two activities for representatives of media outlets from Moldova.
The primary goal of the 4-day log study visit was to improve the quality of journalistic content of existing local media by sharing experiences with functional local media outside the Republic of Moldova as well as to contribute to building the skills, knowledge, and awareness raising related to reporting complex issues in an objective manner. The goal was to facilitate experience sharing through meetings with representatives of well-established Slovak media outlets and NGOs working in related topics.

Journalists from Moldova took part in one-day workshop focusing on strengthening media literacy in the context of reactions to disinformation, fake news, and hoaxes. The goal of the training was to present and discuss different approaches to identify, address, and effectively minimize the sharing of disinformation and mitigate its impacts on societies. Participants were focusing on the role that the media should play in this process.
The workshop was led by two experts: Mariana Rața-Vremea from TV8 [Moldova] and Vladimír Šnídl from Denník N [Slovakia].