The project focuses on the operation and sustainability of the platform for an institutionalized public debate on European integration issues which is based on the partnership of governmental, non-governmental, business and interest institutions, as well as on strengthening Georgia’s capacity for EU accession negotiations – National Convention on the EU in Georgia.
The goal of the project is to continue to involve the professional public in the process of creation of national positions in EU integration agenda; transfer of Slovak know-how from political, economic and social transformation; as well as maintaining an interactive information resource on European integration.
The project envisages the work of three working groups on following topics WG I: External Communication, WG II: Energy Security, WG III: Youth, which will carry out 15 meetings and one plenary session. By involving a wide range of experts, the project will contribute to further building the expertise of governmental and non-governmental organizations, intensifying their mutual dialogue, and deepening bilateral cooperation between Georgia and Slovakia. The study trip of 8 WG experts from Georgia to Slovakia will be part of the project
In addition to the Working Group meetings, where experts from Slovakia will participate, the key outputs of the project will be sectoral recommendations for the government and their publication in e-form as well as the final strategic framework documents for the government published in the up-to-date website and a facebook account, as well as a media presentation of the project and the euro-integration process. Secondary output of the project will be the team of people being able to implement the project objectives in the long term.
This project is funded by SlovakAid.

More information about the project and project activities can be found here.
Project activities:
The Levan Mikeladze Foundation, in cooperation with the Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA), is implementing the project “National Convention of the European Union in Georgia”. The project is funded by SlovakAid and Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The main goal of the project is to promote direct, transparent, and open dialogue between the state and civil society, to provide them with opinions and expert feedback in various fields. To achieve a desirable result, three working groups were created in the following areas: energy security, external communications strategy, and youth policy.To this end, on June 11, was held the first meeting of the energy security working group on Zoom. Field experts, representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, and non-governmental organizations attended the meeting. The event was opened by Mr. Archil Gegeshidze, Executive Director of the Levan Mikeladze Foundation, and Mr. Peter Brezan, Project Manager of the Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association.
At the meeting, local and Slovak experts on energy security presented policy papers. Particularly, the papers discussed the essence of the energy security policy in Georgia and the Slovak Republic. Additionally, best the experience and best practice of foreign countries were also discussed.The meeting was moderated by Ms. Margalita Arabidze, Deputy Head of Energy Reforms and International Relations Department at the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, and Mr. Murman Margvelashvili, Director of the analytical center World Experience for Georgia (WEG) and an energy expert.
The next meetings will assess Georgia’s energy security using predetermined indicators and also recommendations to the Ministry of Economic and Sustained Development will be developed.
The Levan Mikeladze Foundation, in cooperation with the Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA), is implementing the project “National Convention of the European Union in Georgia”. The project is funded by SlovakAid and Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
In the framework of the project, on August 10, the second meeting of the energy security working group on Zoom was held. Field experts, representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, and non-governmental organizations attended the meeting.
At the meeting, local and Slovak experts on energy security presented policy papers. The Georgian experts discussed Energy Security Assessment Indicators for Georgia. The Slovak expert shared with the participants’ assessment indicators for the Slovak Republic and other EU member states.
After the presentations, the participants engaged in a discussion. The entire meeting was moderated by Ms. Margalita Arabidze, Deputy Head of Energy Reforms and International Relations Department at the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, and Mr. Murman Margvelashvili, Director of the analytical center World Experience for Georgia (WEG) and an energy expert.
At the next meetings, experts will discuss other important issues and assess the energy security of Georgia. Also, together with Slovak experts, they will provide recommendations to the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.
On September 6, experts from the Levan Mikeladze Foundation Natalia Shatirishvili, Giorgi Mukhigulishvili, and Deputy Head of Energy Reforms and International Relations Departments Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Margalita Arabidze, went on a study visit to Bratislava, Slovakia. The study visit is carried out within the framework of the project “National Convention on the EU in Georgia.”
The purpose of the trip is to familiarize them with the system of work and the experience of state bodies and institutions dealing with energy security issues.
On September 7, they visited Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA) and met with representatives of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic. At the end of the day, they also visited a pilot project carried out by the Building Testing and Research Institute (TSUS) to overhaul an apartment building from the 1980s in Devínská Nová Ves.
The Levan Mikeladze Foundation, in cooperation with the Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA), is implementing the project “National Convention of the European Union in Georgia.” The project is funded by SlovakAid and Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
On September 8, in the framework of the study visit the Georgian experts from the Levan Mikeladze Foundation Natalia Shatirishvili, Giorgi Mukhigulishvili, and Deputy Head of Energy Reforms and International Relations Departments Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Margalita Arabidze, met with the chairman of the Regulatory Office for network industries together with directors of the Office´s units. They have presented the development of current regulation in Slovakia and the regulatory perspectives about deregulation, decarbonization, and digitalization. Ministry of Environment presented the Slovak climate change framework and its interaction with the energy framework. Representatives from the Ministry of the Environment described the Slovak climate change framework and spoke about its interaction with the energy framework.
On September 9, Georgian experts met representatives of the Slovak Association of Photovoltaic Industry and Renewables (SAPI), the Central European Energy Conference CEEC organized by SFPA, the Slovak Green Building Council (SKGBC), and the Slovak Gas and Oil Association (SPNZ). The following energy issues were discussed at the meetings: energy mix, challenges and security, regulatory framework, and green buildings.
The Levan Mikeladze Foundation, in cooperation with the Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA), is implementing the project “National Convention of the European Union in Georgia.” The project is funded by SlovakAid and Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
On the last day of the study visit, on September 10, in the framework of the study visit the Georgian experts from the Levan Mikeladze Foundation Natalia Shatirishvili, Giorgi Mukhigulishvili, and Deputy Head of Energy Reforms and International Relations Departments Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Margalita Arabidze, visited the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava (MIB) and Institute for Circular Economy.Architects from the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava presented projects of the city of Bratislava focused on sustainability and green solutions, and also explained the tendering processes. An expert from the Institute for Circular Economy presented the activities of the organization focused on waste minimization, educational activities, and projects of circular economy in Slovakia.The Levan Mikeladze Foundation, in cooperation with the Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Assosiation (SFPA), is implementing the project “National Convention of the European Union in Georgia.” The project is funded by SlovakAid and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
The Levan Mikeladze Foundation, in cooperation with the Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA), is implementing the project “National Convention of the European Union in Georgia”. The project is funded by SlovakAid and Friedrich Ebert Foundation.In the framework of the project, on October 15 the third meeting of the energy security working group was held in the Information Centre on NATO and EU. Field experts, representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, and non-governmental organizations attended the meeting. Due to the rules caused by the pandemic, a certain number of participants attended the meeting using Zoom.At the meeting, local and Slovak experts on energy security presented policy papers. The Georgian experts discussed energy security quantitative assessment for Georgia. The Slovak expert shared information with the participants about energy security in the CEE region.After the presentations, the participants engaged in a discussion. The entire meeting was moderated by Mr. Omar Tsereteli, Head of Energy Reforms and International Relations Department at the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, and Mr. Murman Margvelashvili, Director of the analytical center World Experience for Georgia (WEG) and an energy expert.Georgian experts together with Slovak experts, they will provide recommendations to the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.
The Levan Mikeladze Foundation, in cooperation with the Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA), is implementing the project “National Convention on the European Union in Georgia” with financial support from SlovakAid and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.Within the framework of the project, on December 16, the first meeting of the group of experts working on the issue of external communications was held at the Hilton Garden Inn Tbilisi Chavchavadze Hotel. It was attended by experts and representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia.The document on the external communication issues prepared by local and Slovak experts was discussed at the meeting. Georgian expert Dimitri Tskitishvili discussed the Concept of Georgia’s Foreign Communication Strategy. Slovak expert Ondrej Gazovic spoke on National Branding and Strategic Communication of the Slovak Republic. After the presentations, a discussion took place.The meeting was moderated by Marine Narchemashvili, Director of the Press and Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, and Ivane Chkhikvadze, Open Society Georgia Foundation, European Integration Program Manager.At the following meetings, the working group will continue to work on the concept of Georgia’s external communication strategy.
The Levan Mikeladze Foundation, in cooperation with the Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA), is implementing the project “National Convention on the European Union in Georgia” with financial support from SlovakAid and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.Within the framework of the project, on December 28, the final meeting of the group of experts working on energy security was held at the Hilton Garden Inn Tbilisi Chavchavadze Hotel. It was attended by experts in the field, representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, and non-governmental organizations.The final document on energy security prepared by local and Slovak experts was discussed at the meeting. Georgian expert Giorgi Mukhigulishvili spoke on “Assessing the energy security of Georgia, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic and their policy goals.”Natalia Shatirishvili discussed the quantitative assessment of energy security in Georgia. Also a Slovak expert, Veronika Oravcova shared with the participants’ feedback on energy security indicators. After the presentations, a discussion was held.The meeting was moderated by Margalita Arabidze, Head of the Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Policy and Sustainable Development Department at the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, and Mr. Murman Margvelashvili, Director of the World Experience for Georgia (WEG) Analytical Center and Energy Expert.