
Actual projects

Sharing the Experience of the Visegrad Countries on the Regulation of Utility Services
Sharing the Experience of the Visegrad Countries on the Regulation of Utility Services

This project aims to leverage the expertise of Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia in utility service regulation to benefit Georgia.

Think Visegrad
Think Visegrad

Think Visegrad—V4 Think Tank Platform is a net­work for struc­tured dia­log on issues of strate­gic regional impor­tance. The net­work ana­lyzes key issues for the Visegrad Group (V4), and pro­vides rec­om­men­da­tions to the gov­ern­ments of V4 coun­tries, the annual pres­i­den­cies of the group, and the International Visegrad Fund.

Ukraine towards Carbon Neutrality (U_CAN)
Ukraine towards Carbon Neutrality (U_CAN)

Horizon Europe project with a vision to seamlessly integrate Ukrainian cities into the collective vision of European Green Deal

Project archive

Connecting networks of women in foreign, European and security policy, across the V4 states
Connecting networks of women in foreign, European and security policy, across the V4 states

Although women constitute half of the population, their participation in the formulation and execution of foreign, European and security policy within the V4 countries is disproportionately low compared to men. This underrepresentation is not only unfair, but it also contributes to policies and policy solutions that lack key perspectives, thus potentially lacking efficiency. Despite formal attempts at achieving gender equality, several persistent issues contribute to this imbalance.

V4 Energy Think Tank Platform
V4 Energy Think Tank Platform

V4ETTP is a platform – permanent network – of think tanks facilitating energy-related and policy-oriented research and analysis with a regional focus, building on its member institutions’ expertise in energy studies.

Thinking beyond national borders for renewable energy solutions in Central Europe
Thinking beyond national borders for renewable energy solutions in Central Europe

In order to be successful in energy transition, Slovakia should build new forms of regional cooperation, while also enhancing climate policies, especially the deployment of renewables and energy efficiency measures.

EU Support for Local Media Outlets in Moldova
EU Support for Local Media Outlets in Moldova

The project named EU Support for Local Media Outlets in Moldova focuses on promoting a more conducive environment for local media in order to strengthen their capacity, independence, sustainability and professionalism, as well as their ability to produce quality, evidence-based, balanced and reliable journalistic content.

Western Balkans Futures
Western Balkans Futures

Foresight-based project on trajectories for the Western Balkans


The aim of the project is to analyse the conclusions of the reflection group published in the document NATO 2030: United for a New Era and to make recommendations. Results of the project as well as our active participation in ensuring the Alliance's security and defence are communicated continuously.

Improvement of European cooperation of higher territorial units to streamline territorial self-government
Improvement of European cooperation of higher territorial units to streamline territorial self-government

This project is funded by the European Social Fund. Find all the information about operational program on www.reformuj.sk.

Central European Energy Conference (CEEC) 2021
Central European Energy Conference (CEEC) 2021

The aim of the 15th CEEC conference is to discuss the upcoming changes in energy sector. The consequences of Covid-19 pandemic created an opportunity to speed up necessary changes of energy sector. The conference will discuss the opportunities brought by the Recovery Facility in V4 countries and will pay special attention to emissions reduction in cities, new developments in energy storage, rail sector, and decarbonisation in industry.

Economic Relations Between the V4 and Russia
Economic Relations Between the V4 and Russia

This project intends to undertake a long-term research on the state of economic relations between Russia and individual Visegrad countries. Its aim is to highlight possible changes and continuities in light of the crisis in Ukraine and assess in what ways commercial cooperation can affect political relations.

Energy Security and Strategic Communication
Energy Security and Strategic Communication

The project’s aim was to contribute to building «communication bridges» between civil and governmental actors in Visegrad and Ukraine, as well as to strengthen the capacity of interacting between multi-stakeholders in a case of an energy crisis.

GaMCon- Gagauzian Modernization Convention
GaMCon- Gagauzian Modernization Convention

d implementation, while focusing to increase confidence building measures between ATU Gagauzia and central government of Republic of Moldova, and promoting synergies between the public and private sectors in order to enhance their abilities to meet consensus and thus mutual progress

Information warfare on the Internet
Information warfare on the Internet

The project is focused on monitoring online media, searching for common patterns and key subjects undergoing manipulation. The goal is to capture similarities and differences in disinformation strategies tailored at individual countries participating in the project.

International Crisis Management
International Crisis Management

The project aims to revive the public debate on ICM in Slovak and Central European region, follow-up on existing outputs and, last but not least, bring an updated quantitative and qualitative view on this issue.

Migration of Ukrainian Students to Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary: Human Capital Perspectives
Migration of Ukrainian Students to Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary: Human Capital Perspectives

The main objective of this project is to find out how Ukraine, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, and Hungary could use professional and social capital of Ukrainian students who choose to study in Polish, Czech, Slovak, and Hungarian universities more effectively.

More effective EU democracy and reform support with greater V4 engagement in the Eastern Partnership
More effective EU democracy and reform support with greater V4 engagement in the Eastern Partnership

The project seeks to ensure that EU foreign policy instruments exert a greater impact over democratic reforms in the EaP region while utilising transition sharing potential of the V4 countries. In cooperation with the V4 Presidencies, structures & stakeholders it will use the opportunity the current EU revision of its EaP policies and instruments provide and ensure a process of reflection and engagement of civil society experts in the process.

National Convention on the EU in Albania
National Convention on the EU in Albania

The project focuses on the operation and sustainability of the platform for an institutionalized public debate on European integration issues which is based on the partnership of governmental, non-governmental, business and interest institutions, as well as on strengthening Albania's capacity for EU accession negotiations – National Convention on the EU in Albania.

National Convention on the EU in Georgia
National Convention on the EU in Georgia

The project focuses on the operation and sustainability of the platform for an institutionalized public debate on European integration issues which is based on the partnership of governmental, non-governmental, business and interest institutions, as well as on strengthening Georgia's capacity for EU accession negotiations – National Convention on the EU in Georgia.

Protracted Conflicts in the OSCE Region: Innovative Approaches for Co-operation in the Conflict Zones
Protracted Conflicts in the OSCE Region: Innovative Approaches for Co-operation in the Conflict Zones

This project aims to provide a menu of innovative ways in which the international community can engage with all sides in the four so-called “frozen conflicts” – protracted conflicts on the territory of the former USSR that include the Karabakh, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Transdniestria conflicts.

Russian information warfare on the crisis in Ukraine and its Visegrad implications
Russian information warfare on the crisis in Ukraine and its Visegrad implications

The main aim of the project is to study the Russian strategic communication about the crisis in Ukraine both in Russia and in countries of the EU.

Sharing Know-How in Paradiplomacy: The Visegrad Dimension
Sharing Know-How in Paradiplomacy: The Visegrad Dimension

The goal of our project is to analyze the reasons behind and provide the selected regions with a quality analysis to increase both quantity and quality of their paradiplomatic activities. The project focuses on the paradiplomatic activities of the self-governing regions of three Visegrad countries (Slovakia, Czechia, Poland) on all three – bilateral, multilateral, and European – levels.

Single gas market and energy security in the Visegrad states: models, challenges, perspectives
Single gas market and energy security in the Visegrad states: models, challenges, perspectives

The main objective of the project is to investigate the opportunities and perspectives affecting cooperation between Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary in the gas market.

The Future of OSCE Field Operations (Options)
The Future of OSCE Field Operations (Options)

This report is the joint product of a group of twenty-one members of the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions.

Threat Perceptions in the OSCE Area
Threat Perceptions in the OSCE Area

The intention was to analyze the threat perceptions of relevant state actors in the OSCE area in the categories of „military threats“, „transnational threats“ and „other threats“.

Towards a Citizens’ Union (2CU)
Towards a Citizens’ Union (2CU)

Building on the notion of increasing social, economic and political interdependence across borders, the first volume asks whether and, if so, how a sense of solidarity and European identity can be rescued from the bottom up by politically empowering citizens to ‘take back control’ of their EU.

Ukraine’s migration monitoring: forced and labour mobility
Ukraine’s migration monitoring: forced and labour mobility

The project is aimed at systematic monitoring of current migration dynamics in Ukraine (both internal and international migration, particularly to V4 and the EU) resulted from Crimea annexation and armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine. It will investigate both qualitative and quantitative (where possible) characteristics of forced migration and accompanying economic-driven migration. It will also present policy recommendations for the V4 governments, EU institutions and Ukrainian government.

V4 Energy Think Tank Platform
V4 Energy Think Tank Platform

With the aim of strengthening cooperation among the think tanks of the Visegrad countries in the field of energy, as well as promoting dialogue between the academic sector and decision-makers in this area, REKK (HU) as coordinator, along with SFPA (SK), the Instytut Jagielloński (PL) and AMO (CZ) as partners, have initiated the launching of the V4 Energy Think Tank Platform (V4ETTP) as a permanent think tank cooperation platform focusing on energy, operating from 2018.

V4 Supporting Communication Strategy of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine on implementing AA and DCFTA
V4 Supporting Communication Strategy of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine on implementing AA and DCFTA

The initiative was kindly funded by the International Visegrad Fund and has the aim to target several areas of mutual interest between the V4 and the EaP countries, Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine, including capacity building and regional cooperation by transfer of V4 countries experience in EU integration processes via collecting best practices and lessons learned in the field of communication strategies.

V4 Task Force on the Prevention of Mass Atrocities
V4 Task Force on the Prevention of Mass Atrocities

The project aims to produce solid scientific research combined with the experience of practitioners on the V4 Countries’ capabilities to implement the RtoP in light of the new challenges, and to offer feasible recommendations.

Connecting V4 and other regional expert networks
Connecting V4 and other regional expert networks

l connections across the EU through connecting V4 and other regional expert networks and thus research concrete potential for the future EU coalitions.

Confidence-Building Measures in the OSCE Economic and Environmental Dimension
Confidence-Building Measures in the OSCE Economic and Environmental Dimension

The project envisions commissioning ten papers contributed by Network institutions and current and former policy practitioners. These should take the form of single and comparative case studies focused broadly on fostering economic and environmental connectivity as a means of confidence building (including trade, transport, communication, energy, environment, banking, insurance, etc.) within and beyond the OSCE region.

Clinching Neighbors: Ukraine on the Path into Europe
Clinching Neighbors: Ukraine on the Path into Europe

The project is focusing on addressing two crucial things related to each other – propaganda and extremism. These issues are addressed in its entirety by proving qualitative interactive seminars with researchers, analysts, and civil society leaders dealing with both issues.

Frontiers of Democracy – Embedding Democratic Values in Moldova and Ukraine
Frontiers of Democracy – Embedding Democratic Values in Moldova and Ukraine

The goal of this project is to facilitate embedding democratic values in the societal ethos, and thus to contribute to future successful consolidation in Moldova and Ukraine.

Building Civil Society Capacities to Improve Decision-Making Process in Kosovo’s Public Institutions
Building Civil Society Capacities to Improve Decision-Making Process in Kosovo’s Public Institutions

The overall objective of the project is to support effective cooperation between the governmental and non-governmental sectors in Serbian and other minority communities in Kosovo. The project also has the following specific objective: non-governmental organisations in Northern Kosovo actively represent local interests and participate in the decision-making processes of, and cooperate with, the governmental sector.

Assessment of Kremlin’s Soft Power Tools in Central Europe
Assessment of Kremlin’s Soft Power Tools in Central Europe

The project seeks to examine the variety of soft power tools being leveraged by Moscow across three main sectors – economic and financial domain, cultural sphere (activities of the Russian Centre of Science and Culture), and media and information campaigns.

Activation of Youth and Responsible Citizenship AMOG 21
Activation of Youth and Responsible Citizenship AMOG 21

The main objective of the project is to contribute to better functioning of civil society and its better involvement in local and regional policy-making with local government representatives.

Building capacities for energy sector reform in Ukraine
Building capacities for energy sector reform in Ukraine

We aim to – train Ukrainian governmental officials responsible for implementing the section of the Association Agreement that deals with harmonizing national legislation with the EU energy acquis

Safe and Inclusive Border betwen Slovakia and Ukraine (SIBSU)
Safe and Inclusive Border betwen Slovakia and Ukraine (SIBSU)

Sharing just 97 km of border, the two countries are good neighbors and trustful friends. To continue good relations between Slovakia and Ukraine, the contact points for mutual learning and cooperation is needed.