Disinformation and its impact on Slovak society

The expert roundtable entitled Disinformation and its impact on Slovak society, which took place at the end of June in Tovarnice, brought a number of interesting perspectives on the possibilities of combating disinformation.
Experts on various aspects of the fight against disinformation on the first panel discussed the very definition of disinformation, the importance of its precise wording and the problems that its absence causes. There was a clear consensus on the panel on the need for a common definition of disinformation, both at national and European level.
The second panel was devoted to the economic aspects of disinformation, which turned out to be a very important but little discussed topic in the context of disinformation issues. In particular, the asymmetry between the costs that disinformation causes and the responsibility of the platforms on which it is disseminated seems to be a problem.
The aim of the last panel was to look for synergies, both between different state institutions and between the governmental and non-governmental sectors. The roundtable participants agreed that it is the pre-trial cooperation that can result in a coherent strategy to combat disinformation that will not only weaken the hybrid operations of hostile actors, but also strengthen the resilience and critical thinking of the population.
This publication is available in Slovak language only.
Read the full report here: