The project seeks to examine the variety of soft power tools being leveraged by Moscow across three main sectors – economic and financial domain, cultural sphere (activities of the Russian Centre of Science and Culture), and media and information campaigns.
The project will be realized between September 2016 and July 2017.
Project outputs:
„Ruský vplyv na našich školách“ (Russian Influence in Our Schools)
public debate with Radovan Bránik, an expert on extremism and security
ArtKlub, Trnava, June 7, 2017
„Dezinformácie, propaganda, konšpirácie: útoky na sebavedomie SR“ (Disinformation, Propaganda, Conspiracy Theories: Attacks on Slovak Confidence)
public debate with Mário Nicolini, honorary president, Euroatlantic Center
Trafačka, Nitra, June 8, 2017
(video coming soon)
„O čo ide Putinovi? Ruský vplyv na Slovensku a jeho výsledky“ (What Does Putin Want? Russian Influecne in Slovakia and Its Results)
public debate with Dušan Fischer, analyst, SFPA
Rufin, Dolný Kubín, July 21, 2017
(video coming soon)
Project partners:
Czech Republic: Prague Security Studies Institute
Hungary: Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy
Poland: Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding
The project is co-financed by National Endowment for Democracy.

Source of foto: Cartoon photo created by freepik –