Energy Security and Strategic Communication
The project entitled “Energy security and effective strategic communication of civil and governmental actors: V4+Ukraine” was carried out between February 2018 and June 2019 at the Casimir Pulaski Foundation, as part of the organizations “Economy & Energy” program. The project was realized with five partner organizations: the Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (Slovakia), Centre for Global Studies “Strategy XXI” (Ukraine), KNO Česko, spol. s r.o. (Czech Republic) and Center for Fair Political Analysis (Hungary). It was supported financially by the International Visegrad Fund.
The project’s aim was to contribute to building «communication bridges» between civil and governmental actors in Visegrad and Ukraine, as well as to strengthen the capacity of interacting between multi-stakeholders in a case of an energy crisis. The conducted research and discussions helped to indicate the voids and «good practices» of communication between the abovementioned actors and later define solutions and draft recommendations to these challenges.
The most important deliverables of the project were the following:
- 20 in-depth interviews conducted among government, business and civil actors in Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraine with the goal to help defining shortages on strategic communication in all 5 countries.
- Roundtable “Dialogue between civil and governmental actors on energy security” (Warsaw, 25th April 2018)
- Roundtable “Energy Crisis Management: Decision-Makers and Civil Society” (Bratislava, 24th May 2018)
- Roundtable „Strategy for the energy crisis communication“ (Kiev, 2 July 2018)
- Energy Crisis Simulation (Warsaw, 16-17 January 2019)
- White Paper on multi-stakeholder strategic communication in the energy sector in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine.
Each of the partner organizations prepared a chapter for the White Paper to summarize the outcomes of the discussions and present the general overview of the strategic communication situation in the energy sector of each of the country. Most importantly, the papers presented recommendations for the future development of more efficient and enhanced strategic communication between the private, public administration, and NGOs in the energy sector of the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine.
The chapters of the White Paper are available to download below:
Strategic Communication in Energy Sector in Czech Republic
Strategic Communication in Energy Sector in Slovakia
Strategic Communication in Energy Sector in Ukraine
Strategic Communication in Poland’s Energy Sector